Speciality Meats
Product Code : 150-01-956
Calves’ Liver
It is the liver part from internal organs of calf.
Kg : It is sold as being weighed
Storage terms : In 0°C and +4°C 10-15 days; in -18°C 12 months.
Packaging : Vacuum
Cooking Suggestion :
Its homeland is Scotland. The most feature of Angus race is the quality of meat. Angus race enables for more qualified meat production than other meater race. The most significant feature to be selected Angus meat is being of meat oil rate is low. While the oil rate is % 35-36 for other races this rate is about %6-7 for Angus meat. The marbleization in Angus meat (division of oil among muscle fibre) is excellent.
We can list these between the causes to be preferred Angus race rather than other races;
Meat quality: Angus meat the meat that preferred by consumers in the world with its marbleization rate, meat colour, smell, texture, flavor.
Being of hornless: In Angus race male and female are hornless. Being of hornless is dominant to being of horned. Therefore there is no horn pounding among animals.
Reaching puberty in early age: Female of Angus race reachs puberty in very early age thus it has the feature breeding in early age.
The increasing rate of live weight is high: Daily live weight increasing can be 1,4 -1,7 kg. It features to convert the feed to meat economically and qualifiedly.
It is one of the precious race to resistant to cold and hot: Angus cattle has the feature to give calf of the highest order even if older age. With this feature even if old cows is used as brood and this feature provide big contribution to breeders.
It can be used as a breeder even at an advanced age: Angus cattle have the ability to produce calves of superior quality even at an advanced age. With this feature, even old angus cows can be used as breeders and this feature makes a great contribution to the breeders.
Giving birth easily: Angus race is one of the precious race to have the feature to give birth easily. Being of head is small is very big effect to give birth easily.
Although Angus race is a valuable meat race for the breeders who have big and long leas; due to not to distinction of cattle in Turkey it is processed as worth other beefs, not to provide additional gain to producers.
It takes its name from the region of Herefordshire valley in southwest of England. It lengthen from this valley to world after 17th century. As of 19th century it is raised countries such as Canada, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, New Zeeland, South Africa and Germany.
View Features:
Red- brown coloured.
Certainly its head, neck, front, under belly, knuckles and tail feather is white.
Also it is horned (English type) and hornless.
Lives calm and peacefully.
Feeds in opened fattening all the year.
Adapt easily against climates and have a head for.
Has durable bone structure.
Has durable muscle structure.
Has durable nail structure.
Has little fat meat.
Females give birth easily.
Motherhood instinct develops much more than several cattle race.
It gets fatter easily because of having glutton structure.
The sperm efficiency is high.
The meat quality is upper-level. Its meat is soft.
It is the first selection for breeders due to several features.
Its homeland is the region of Limousin in southwest of France. It reached its formal name in 1886. In early days it is thought for milk efficieny its meater side becomes prominent in 1900 years. “Limousin cattle society” is established in 1973for Limousin race which is camed to Ireland in 1971. According to formal data 2006 of Ireland there are 426.696 Limousin race items cattles. This also constitutes % 20 of cattle population of the country.
View Features:
The colours are light colour and dark red.
Mouth and eye contours are light colours.
It is suitable to herd due to so comfortable calm structure.
Especially the birth easiness is at the forefront .
It is so suitable for miscegenation with dairy races due to very easy birth rate.
It has thin bone structure.
It has durable stomach structure.
The feature of gaining weight is extraordinary.
Being of low-fat of meat provides being high of meat quality.
Muscle structure is good.
Meat yield is upper-level.
It is accepted as Top-Genetics of Europe.
Motherhood instinct is upper-level.
The sperm efficiency is high.
Its homeland is Switzerland and Austria . While it is called as Fleckview (Spotted cow) in time this name continues “Simmental”. Combined efficient this race (Meat-Milk) is preferred mainly due to its meater side in north and south America, Australia, several European countries and Africa.
It is assumed that yellow calfs, emerged result from the miscegenation local red and white race in 1800 years in Switzerland, are emerged result from miscegenation with local Fleckvieh in Austria. It is seen that emerging rising generation (Simmental) is more powerful and durable. Nowadays it is tired to increase dairy feature at the rate of % 5- 7.5 with miscegenation Red Holstein. It is aimed annual milk average and more consistent milk rate during the year.
Simmental race is suitable to miscegenation with other meater and dairy races. Thus born calfs are as well as more milky and meaty, provide their muscle structures. Average 42 million Simmental cows are raised in the world. This makes it the most second used race in the world. For example, it is one of the favourite races in Germany. In this country there is average 1.5 million Simmental.
View Features:
Colour is yellow-white or red-white speckled.
Certainly head, front and lash are white coloured.
Male and female are horned.
Adapt easily against climates conditions.
Has long life.
It has the feature of high sperm efficiency.
The motherhood instinct is high.
The adaptation ability is high.
Health problem is few.
Low somatic cell number
It is the primary selection of breeders due to several features.
Its homeland is France. It is known as feeder cattle for its meat. Charolais cattles race are known Charolais cattle in the world.
Growing of Charolais cattles race in the region Charolois of France causes to be called this name.
As well as there are called as Charolais cattle in our country in general it is known as its reading.
The milk efficiency is very low for Charolais cattles race. Charolais cattles race, a meater race, is not quite raised as brood in our country.
After proliferation artificial insemination it is began to be had frozen imported from abroad Charolais race sperm in our country. It is known that some breeds made bull seed to cows they had even they are minority.
The number of Charolais cow is minute amount in our country. It is known that some curious breeders grow even a little Charolais cow. However it is minority.
Outer view and other features of Charolais race:
1- Whole body of Charolais cattle race is dirty white or dark cream colured.
2- There are also horned and hornless one in Charolais race.
3- Charolais cattle is known with its applicable to all kinds of weather conditions.
4- It is observed that Charolais bulls have the body structure of getting fatter rapidly. Muscle structure of Charolais bulls are developed.
5- The oil rate in its meat is low as a feeder cattle. This is also a wanted feature for the meat.
6- The meat quality of Charolais bull is high.
7- Charolais cow has long life. 10-12 birth can be taken with good care and feeding during their lives.
It is known that adult Charolais cow is average 800 kg. as live weight sometimes it is extreme there are also passing 1000 kg.
As to for male 1.000 with 1.100 kg average. Again as in Charolais cow Charolais bull can reach to 1400 kg live weight eve it is extreme.
The efficiency for Charolais race cattle:
Due to Charolais race is meater as efficiency it is thought rather as feeder cattle. For Charolais cattle Charolais bull provides live weight increase 1.100 with 1.300 gr daily.
Charolais cow does not quite provide. The milk efficiency is minute amount. The sperm efficiency is lower than other cattle races. The efficiency for meat is %70. This feature is a sufficient situation for feeder cattle.
The raising of it is restricted due to the low of sperm efficiency in several countries of the world and not being too much milk efficiency of Charolais cow.
Charolais race cattle is rather a raising race cattle as a feeder cattle.